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At Nathaniel Jacobson LLC P.A. we like to say that we specialize in our client's satisfaction. We serve clients from every industry and of every size. There are, however, some business areas for which we really elevate our game.

Small Business

Small businesses. They are the backbone of America. And they are the backbone of our firm. We specifically built Nathaniel Jacobson LLC P.A. around the software and solutions that small businesses need to succeed and thrive.





Government Contractors

This is Washington D.C., after all, the home to the federal government. So of course we have a thriving practice in federal contractor and state/local contractor consulting. This means we offer unique solutions for project accounting, CAS and FAR compliance, and SBA 8(a) administration.


Venture Capital

IT pioneers AOL and MCI Communications were founded here in greater Washington DC. They were the leading edge of a wave of information technology innovation driven by both the large federal government presence and burgeoning commercial market for sophisticated computing and telecommunications solutions. Our staff has participated in these industries through thick and thin and no one understands them better.

The tri-region area of Maryland, DC, and Virginia has long been a hotbed of startup companies. Maryland has become known for biotechnology, Virginia for software and engineering, and DC for just about everything else. We have incorporated some the the best cutting edge accounting technology to support the new startup and those businesses that have made it out of survival mode and are ready for mature infrastructure.

Technology & Software
Nonprofit and

IT pioneers AOL and MCI Communications were founded here in greater Washington DC. They were the leading edge of a wave of information technology innovation driven by both the large federal government presence and burgeoning commercial market for sophisticated computing and telecommunications solutions. Our staff has participated in these industries through thick and thin and no one understands them better.

The DC metro area is home to more non-profit and not-for-profit organizations than anywhere else in the country. So it is only natural that we specifically cater to those organizations. Talk to use about niche specific accounting solutions that include donor management as well as accounting.

Your Business

Don't see​ your niche area, business, or industry among the seven selections above? Don't worry, we "specialize" in your business too. Quality service and economical support never go out of style. 


Creative & Entertainment

Creative and entertainment businesses like advertising agencies, photographers, musicians, producers, architects, and interior designers have chosen us as their preferred accounting provider. See why this is the case.



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